Code Of Ethics
Basic Principles
The analytic encounter is a particular sort of human encounter: It has to offer a framework in which symbolic contents appear, are lived, are held and are examined without being reacted and becoming concrete.
The practice of psychoanalysis is an artisanal work, humble, strict and commited. The analyst is supposed to accompany the analysand into an initiation trip, sometimes difficult and painful. Such an attempt will often make the analysand confront his powerlessness. The analyst should abstain from presenting himself as a holder of the real, the knowledge or the truth, as a guarantor of good and evil, and in worse case, of the "normal".
The following list of rules is not exhaustive. On the contrary, certain rules may be subject to exceptions.
1. The relation between analyst and analysand
1.1. Clarity and maintenance of frame.
It is incumbent upon the analyst to clarify to the analysand the frame and the conditions of work, and to maintain firmly this frame. This includes the frequence, the schedules and the place of sessions, the amount of the fee, and the method of payment. Any violation of this frame, intentional or not, requires analysis.
1.2. Exclusive character of the analytic relation.
The analytic relation exclude any other form of relations between the analyst and the analysand , as well as with the latter's relatives. The analyst should avoid exercising any other function except that of the analyst.
1.3. professional ethic.
The analyst has to maintain and develope his professional competence. He should abstain from any passage to the act (sexual, violent, etc ...) and any other form of power abuse.
1.4. Confidential aspect.
The content of the sessions is strictly confidential. The supervisions of the case dosen't constitute an exception, the supervising analyst too, himself submitting to this rule. An eventual use of clinical material for didactic or scientific purpose must be done with the utmost prudence to preserve the anonymity of the analysand.
2. The relation between instructor and candidate
The rules from 1.1 to 1.4 are applied, mutatis mutandis, to the relation between instructor and candidate. The analyst shouldn't forget that he is there also in the professional situation.
3. The relation with colleagues
3.1. The analyst should treat his colleagues with respct and kindness.
3.2. The analyst who has to intervene in an analytical work in progress should do it with prudence and discretion, and with an analytical mind.
3.3. The analyst should abstain from any critical judgement regarding his colleagues, especially in the presence of the analysand.
3.4. If the analyst consider that a colleague of the Association doen't respect the ethic code, he should, first of all, explain to this colleague in a climate of understanding and good faith.
4. The relation with the exterior
4.1. In relation to the exterior, an analyst should adopt an attitude conformable to this code.
4.2. Any analyst in the delicate situation concerning his ethical engagement to the Association or the public image of analysis (public conferences, radio and TV performances, etc) is invited to discuss the methods in advance with the Ethic Committee.
5. The relation with the Ethic Committee
5.1. Every member of the Association is responsible to demand to meet the Ethic Committee facing a deontologic problem. .
5.2. Refusing to meet the Ethic Committee when summoned, and to collaborate with the Committee with good faith constitute an unethical behavior.
5.3. The member's quality of the Association presuppose the adhesion to this ethic code. This remark is also true for the aspirants and the candidates.​